I have developed my own classification system as I have built up my collection of papers and articles on e-learning and distance education. The classification system is based on a map of research into e-learning that I developed when working at the Open University of Catalonia then later adapted for students at the Universidad de Guadalajara. I apologise if this tramples across library classification systems. Sometimes the same reference will appear under different headings.
Wherever possible, I have provided a link to enable you to download a paper of interest. Where no link is provided, I’m afraid you will have to visit a library or subscribe to a journal.
Students – please note This is NOT a comprehensive list of the best publications on e-learning, even within a particular sub-category. I chose each of these studies to fulfill a particular purpose, sometimes just because the references were useful. You should use this as a starter, but you will need in most cases to supplement your studies with readings and studies from other sources.
As you will see, this is a work in progress. I am constantly adding to this list, and many sub-categories are still to be opened. It will be worth checking back once a month if you think this site can be helpful to you.
Strategies, planning and management
- Change management
- Costs and benefits
- Current state of the art
- Design of virtual learning organizations
- Economic impact
- Faculty development and training
- Futures
- Intellectual property issues and copyright
- Knowledge management
- Leadership
- Measuring institutional performance
- National, regional and international strategies
- International
England and Wales
Greece - Iceland
North America vs Europe - South Pacific
- International
- Partnership and consortia
- Physical space
- Planning, policies and management
- Quality and quality assurance
- Assessment
- Blended learning
- Course design
- Developing intellectual skills
- E-portfolios and online student assessment
- Evaluating courses and programs
- International and cultural issues
- Language teaching [to come]
- Learners and learning styles
- Learner support
- Learning theories
- Motivation
- Open content
- Project management
- Research
- Selection of media and technologies
- Students
- Vocational and work-based training
- Access
- Audio
- Blogs
- Clickers
- e-books
- Expert systems [to come]
- games for learning
- Learning management systems
- Learning objects
- Mobile learning
- Podcasting
- Portals
- Second Life/VLEs
- Simulations and animations
- Social software
- Speech recognition
- Synchronous [to come]
- Video
- Virtual worlds
- Web 2.0
- Wikis