Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Designing online learning for the 21st century

This being the time of year when many Canadian post-secondary institutions offer faculty development opportunities, I have been busy the last two or three...

A short critique of the Khan Academy

Bean, E. (2012) Wrath of Khan?: Deconstructing the online learning academy Detroit Web 2.0 Examiner, March 12 Eric Bean is an educator who has signed up...

Pedagogical roles for video in online learning

The underuse of video in post-secondary online learning Video is not being used enough in online learning in post-secondary education. When used it is often...

Using interactive video for patient health education

Along with thousands of other people over 65, I''m scheduled for a partial knee replacement this summer. As part of the excellent pre-operational education...

Launch of Arabic e-learning portal for business education

© Tony Bates, 2012 Creative Commons License Curley, N. (2012) Arabic e-Learning Portal Nibras.com Launches, Offering Online Business Education, Wamda, February 8 Jabbar Internet Group has launched...

Vancouver showcase of online learning innovations available on video

The Justice Institute of British Columbia and Vancouver Community College hosted an 'online showcase' on November 30, 2011, sponsored by the Metro Vancouver Educational...

E-learning in 2011: a retrospective

'That was the year that was, it's over, let it go...', as the old song says. But before it does go, let's look back...

Book review: Clark Quinn’s ‘The Mobile Academy’

Quinn, C. (2012) The Mobile Academy: mLearning for Higher Education San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/John Wiley, 120 pp The author points out that 90% of the world's...

Marshall McLuhan and his relevance to teaching with technology

Today (July 21) is the 100th anniversary of the birth of Marshall McLuhan. Although I was not consciously aware of it at the time,...

IRRODL June 2011

For the very few readers of this site who are not already subscribers, the latest edition of the International Review of Research in Open...