Friday, March 14, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Online learning for beginners: 3. ‘Aren’t MOOCs online learning?’

What are MOOCs? Just in case you don't know what MOOCs are (massive, open online courses), they are usually courses that use video recordings of lectures...

French version of ‘Teaching in a Digital Age’ now available

The French version of 'Teaching in a Digital Age', L'enseignement a l'ère numerique', is now available from here. I am very grateful to Contact North|Contact Nord...

An excellent guide to multimedia course design

Centre for Extended Learning (2016) How do we create useful online learning experiences? Waterloo ON: University of Waterloo The University of Waterloo's Centre for Extended...

Is video a threat to learning management systems?

Bersin, J. (2016) Will video-based learning kill the LMS? Chief Learning Officer, February 15 This article raises a question that has been on my mind...

Book review: A History of the Open University

Weinbren, D. (2105) The Open University: A History Manchester: Manchester University Press/The Open University, 274 pp + notes, £18.99, C$31.61, US$22.30 (paperback edition) Why you...

MIT and German research on the [appalling] use of video in xMOOCs

Hansch, A. et al. (2015) Video and Online Learning: Critical Reflections and Findings From the Field Berlin DE: Alexander von Humbolt Institut für Internet und...

Seeking the unique pedagogical characteristics of video

Figure 9. The Open University on iTunesU This is the third post on the unique characteristics of different media, for my open textbook, Teaching in a...

A new way to look at the costs of digital media in education

I said it was going to be fun looking at the costs of digital media in education, but it wasn't. When I came to...

Are rich media better than single media in online learning?

First of all, a happy New Year to everyone from almost the last place on earth to come into 2015. This is a discussion...

Moving beyond technology in designing online learning

This next post in my chapter on 'Understanding Technology in Education' for my book, Teaching in a Digital Age' is a long one, but...