Saturday, March 29, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Quality and equity in digital learning: a policy brief from the Commonwealth of Learning

Commonwealth of Learning (2021) Quality and equity in digital learning: a policy brief Burnaby BC: Commonwealth of Learning About the policy brief The Commonwealth of Learning...

Five free keynotes on online learning for streaming into virtual conferences

Sleepless nights and global learning I received many requests last year to deliver keynotes into virtual conferences. These requests came from all around the world....

Recordings of Contact North/ATD’s Learning and Technology Conference now available

The conference I'm still catching up on all the posts I meant to write during 2020 but have been too busy to do.  Contact North and...

Why sex is more fun than swotting: further discussion on asynchronous vs synchronous learning

Binary thinking There are two kinds of people: those who divide people into two groups; and those who don't. Both humans and computers seem more...

Another survey of student responses to emergency remote learning

Wise, A. F. & Bergner, Y. (2020) College in the Time of Corona: Spring 2020 Student Survey New York, NY: NYU-LEARN. This is another 'quick-and-dirty' survey...

Video of discussion of impact of Covid-19 on online learning

The MALAT program Royal Roads University runs an excellent Master of Arts in Learning and Technology (MALAT). This program is the first master of arts...

Five webinar recordings on the myths and realities of online learning now publicly available

About the webinars Contact North has now made publicly available recordings of the five webinars on the Myths, Realities, Opportunities and Challenges of Online Learning...

Second edition of Teaching in a Digital Age now published

The second edition of Teaching in a Digital Age is now available at The first edition was published in 2015. The second edition is...

A review of AI and synchronous online learning in 2018

Although I'm trying to retire, or at least ease up a little, 2018 turned out to be a really busy work year for me....

Some comments on synchronous online learning technologies

Last week was a week of synchronous online sessions for me. I did 'virtual' keynotes into conferences in Tehran, Iran, and Beirut, the Lebanon, as...