Friday, March 14, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Planning e-learning in vocational and technical education

Clark, L. (2009) Plan e-Learning Australian Flexible Learning Network This site provides comprehensive guidance and support for practitioners in planning and implementing e-learning (with a...

The state of e-learning 2009

It's that time of year again. Here's a personal look back at e-learning in 2009 (I will do another blog on priorities for Canadian...

Work-based learning for lifelong learners

Basiel, A. (2009) One size doesn't fit all Online Educa Berlin The Institute for Work Based Learning (IWBL) at Middlesex University in the United Kingdom...

Online conference on social networking in the workplace

The Canadian Network for Innovation in Education invites you to an online conference on 16 December at 1:00 P.M. Eastern on: Social Networking in the...

Tweeting in class

Young, J. (2009) Teaching with Twitter: Not for the Faint of Heart Chronicle of Higher Education, November 22 Interesting article on use of Twitter and...

Social networking in the classroom

McCrea, B. (2009) Purdue U brings social networking to the classroom Campus Technology, November 18 A report on how Purdue University enables students to tweet...

Social networking in two year colleges in the USA

Marklein, M. B. (2009) Social networks could help community college students USA Today, November 16 This is a news report on a study just released...

Are learning management systems doomed?

As usual, George Siemen's blog is being provocative in his November 10, 2009 posting: Futue of learning: LMS or SNS, in which he argues...

What technology students have this year

Smith, S., Salaway, G., and Caruso, J. The ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2009—Key Findings Boulder, CO: EDUCAUSE Center for Applied...

Schools get help in using Web 2.0 tools

Stansbury, M. (2009) Schools get help in using Web 2.0 tools eSchool News, Sept 2 This article discusses two recent papers from the the Consortium...