French translation of the third edition of Teaching in a Digital Age now available
I hope you are having a wonderful summer break. If so all the more reason to read 'Teaching in a Digital Age'.
This is now...
Spanish version of ‘Teaching in a Digital Age: Third Edition’ now available/Ya está disponible...
Click en la imagen para acceder al libro/Click on image to access book/
Me complace anunciar que la versión en español de la tercera edición...
Who wants to update the French version of ‘Teaching in a Digital Age’?/Qui veut...
Je suis très reconnaissant à Contact Nord d'avoir trouvé des fonds pour la traduction française de la première édition de Teaching in a Digital...
Third edition of Teaching at a Distance is now published
The third edition of Teaching in a Digital Age is now available from here:
I have exported in several formats and made it public....
Working on a third edition of ‘Teaching in a Digital Age.’
I've now decided to start on a third edition of 'Teaching in a Digital Age.' I began work on the first edition in 2014...
Second edition of Teaching in a Digital Age now published
The second edition of Teaching in a Digital Age is now available at
The first edition was published in 2015. The second edition is...
Chapter 11.4 Open pedagogy
Figure 11.4.1 Current landscape of Open. Image: Paul Stacey, 2018
I am in the process of finalising a second edition of Teaching in a Digital...
Some thoughts on the future of public higher education
One of the responses I had to my series on the coming crisis to post-secondary education in Canada was: 'Well, what do you think...
Rethinking the purpose of online learning: 4. Developing skills for a digital society
This series is turning out to be longer than I initially anticipated. In the first three posts I looked at the following possible reasons...
Tracking innovations in online learning in Canada
I've not been blogging much recently because, frankly, I've been too busy, and not on the golf course or ski slopes, either. (Yeah, so...