Saturday, March 29, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

How can the Canadian federal government help the post-secondary system post-Covid19?

The most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.' Ronald Reagan The Feds and post-secondary education in...

Re-defining online learning and distance education in 2020

This blog is almost 12 years old. I now have nearly 4,500 posts on the site. Many of the old posts are accessed frequently...

Accessing translations of ‘Teaching in a Digital Age’

One unwelcome side-effect of doing a second edition is that the translations into the seven other different language versions (Chinese, Farsi, French, Portuguese, Spanish,...

Results for 2019 survey of online learning in Canadian post-secondary institutions now available

  Canadian Digital Learning Research Association (2019) National Survey of Online and Digital Learning 2019 National Report Halifax NS: Canadian Digital Learning Research Association CDLRA has...

Second edition of Teaching in a Digital Age now published

The second edition of Teaching in a Digital Age is now available at The first edition was published in 2015. The second edition is...

Chapter 11.4 Open pedagogy

Figure 11.4.1 Current landscape of Open. Image: Paul Stacey, 2018 I am in the process of finalising a second edition of Teaching in a Digital...

Back to the Future: open pedagogy, learning design, and ETUG’s 25th anniversary conference

  Happy anniversary, ETUG! Last week I spent two days at the British Columbia Educational Technology Users' Group conference at Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops. ETUG was...

Update on the 2018 national survey of online learning

The return of questionnaires for the 2018 national survey of online learning and distance education in Canadian universities and colleges is now closed. The...

Online learning in 2016: a personal review

                            Image: © Institute for Economics and Peace. Canada is ranked seventh most peaceful. We don't know where it ranks though in terms of online...

Towards an open pedagogy for online learning

The problems with OER I was interviewed recently by a reporter doing an article on OER (open educational resources) and I found myself being much more...