Adapting student assessment to the needs of a digital age
The story so far
Chapter 5 of my open textbook, ‘Teaching in a Digital Age’ is about the design of teaching and learning, which I am...
A MOOC platform open to all?
Empson, R. (2013) edX Merges With Stanford’s Class2Go To Build An Open-Source Online Learning Platform Tech Crunch, April 3
Empson, R. (2012) Class2Go: Stanford’s New...
The role of information sciences in online learning: a review of IRRODL, Vol. 13,...
An overview of the papers
IRRODL (the International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning) has once again produced a fascinating themed edition, this...
Why learning management systems are not going away
Contact North has just published online a series of six short papers (10-12 pages) under the title of Learning Management Systems: Disruptive Developments, Alternative Options...
New resources for online educators from Contact North
Over the last few months, Contact North has been gradually adding an impressive range of online resources to its Educator Portal. As well as the numerous articles...
Research on Virtual Learning Environments
Smart, C. (2011) VLEs at the heart of curriculum innovation, JISC e-Learning Focus, February 7
This article looks at four projects using VLEs in the...
List of web 2.0 tools for instruction
Lloyd, M. (2010) 18 Web 2.0 tools for instruction Campus Technology, April 28
This very useful article asks two experts, Sarah Robbins (aka Intellagirl), of...
Open source LMSs for small colleges: 3 cases
Briggs, L. (2010) Moving to an Open Source LMS: 3 Stories Campus Technology, April 7
This article describes how three small colleges migrated to either...
Open University UK major provider on iTunes U
The Open University (2010) The Open University hits ten million downloads on iTunes U In Partnership Milton Keynes UK: The Open University
Over ten million...
A personal view of e-learning at the University of British Columbia
The Irving K. Barber Learning Centre (home of OLT)
It's now seven years since I resigned as Director of Distance Education and Technology at UBC,...