Monday, March 31, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Examples of technology-based learner-centered teaching

Villano, M. (2009) Expanding the cannon Campus Technology, October 1 An article on three projects where undergraduate students at 'Duke University (NC), Coastal Carolina ...

More on the mobile campus

Kolowich, S. (2009) The mobile campus Inside Higher Education, Sept 21 In Abilene Christian University's 2008-2009 Mobile-Learning Report Scott Perkins, a psychology professor and director...

Cell phones used to deliver course content

'U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan says schools and colleges should deliver course content to the cell phones that students use to talk and text...

Mobile technology for e-learning in Africa

Barlow-Zambodla, A. (2009) Commonwealth of Learning Mobile Technology Research SAIDE Newsletter, Vol. 15, No. 2 In a previous issue iof the SAIDE newsletter, Alice Barlow-Zambodla...

Text messaging for collaborative learning in South Africa

Makoe, M. (2009) MXit: How to Encourage and Facilitate Communication Among Students eLearning Africa Newsletter, May 12 This interview with a professor from the University...

Recommended standards for mobile learning

Australian Flexible Learning Framework (2009) Recommended standards for mobile learning Brisbane: Australian Flexible Learning Framework The Australian Flexible Learning Framework’s M-standards set a national baseline...

Mobile Technology for Learner Support in Open Schooling

Barlow-Zambodla, A. (2009) Mobile Technology for Learner Support in Open Schooling SAIDE Newsletter, Vol. 15, No. 1 SAIDE (South African Institute of Distance Education) was...

WCET Spring 2009 Webcast Series

WCET Spring 2009 Webcast Series: Bringing professional development to your doorstep! Western Cooperative for Educational Telecommunications has a long history of excellent research and consultancy...

iTunes University and the classroom: Can podcasts replace Professors?

McKinney, D., Dyck, J. and Luber, E. (2009) 'iTunes University and the classroom: Can podcasts replace Professors?' Computers and Education, Vol. 52, No. 3,...

Province, industry, and university partner for mobile learning research

Alberta Government (2009) 'New research program takes classroom anywhere, anytime', News Release, Feb 20 'The research conducted by Dr. Kinshuk, the newly appointed iCORE/Xerox/Markin Industry...