Sunday, February 23, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Open University UK major provider on iTunes U

The Open University (2010) The Open University hits ten million downloads on iTunes U In Partnership Milton Keynes UK: The Open University Over ten million...

Using iPods for teaching and learning

Vincent, T. (2010) Learning in Hand Nebraska This is one of the best web sites I have seen about using iPods for teaching and learning....

Five reasons why the iPad won’t change higher education

Slattery, B. (2010) Five reasons why the iPad won't change higher education PC News, February 3 As a dedicated Mac user, in fairness I am...

Workshops on teaching math, literacy with Moodle and cells phones in class

CEET, the Community of Expertise in Educational Technology, is a professional learning forum for BC educators. It is an opportunity to network, explore...

Is your institution considering mobile learning?

Brimah, T. and Fusch, D. (2010) Considering mobile learning for your institution Academic Impressions Higher Ed Impact: Weekly Analysis January 28 This article, basically an...

Review of e-learning possibilities and limitations of Apple’s iPad

Brandon, B. (2010) Apple's iPad: what does it offer for e-learning? Learning Solutions Magazine January 27 I was wondering how to comment on the iPad...

A university using iPhones for teaching

McCrea, B. (2010) Pioneering mobile learning Campus Technology, January 27 If you can get past the really irritating Blackboard advertisement that blocks the whole content...

The Horizon 2010 report on emerging technologies for education

Johnson, L., Levine, A., Smith, R., & Stone, S. (2010). The 2010 Horizon Report. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium The New Media Consortium's annual...

Write your own educational apps for mobile learning

Young, J. (2010) Wanna Make an App for That? Stanford U. Streams iPhone Development Course Chronicle of Higher Education, January 13 This 'open' course from...

Great expectations for e-learning in 2010

In the Globe and Mail on December 19, Leah McLaren wrote: 'We are living in an Era of Perpetual Advice - and almost none of...