Blackboard adds on open source service
Today Blackboard issued a strange letter to clients announcing that, in parallel with its existing proprietary platform, it will be offering a new business...
JET&S: Special journal issue on technology supported cognition and exploratory learning
The Journal of Educational Technology and Society, Vol. 15, No.1, has a special edition on technology supported cognition and exploratory learning.
From the editorial:
Stephen Downes’ overview of e-learning: and a little history lesson
Downes, S. (2012) E-learning Generations, Half-an-Hour, February 11
Stephen's contribution
In general, I try to complement rather than repeat what Stephen writes (which is just as...
Blackboard launches learning analytics pilot
Blackboard Inc. (2012) Blackboard opens field trial for learning analytics solution, Jan 10
From the press release:
Blackboard Inc. has partnered with several colleges and universities...
e-learning outlook for 2012: will it be a rough ride?
© Firehorse Blog, 2012
Another year, and online learning, e-learning, learning technologies, educational technologies, digital learning, or whatever you call it or them, will continue...
E-learning in 2011: a retrospective
'That was the year that was, it's over, let it go...', as the old song says. But before it does go, let's look back...
Adjuncts, LMSs and lack of training: an accident waiting to happen?
The use of underpaid, untrained adjunct faculty is one of higher education's dirty little secrets, especially (but not only) in the USA. The two...
Book review: Clark Quinn’s ‘The Mobile Academy’
Quinn, C. (2012) The Mobile Academy: mLearning for Higher Education San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/John Wiley, 120 pp
The author points out that 90% of the world's...
IRRODL, Vol. 12. No. 6: an evolving web-based journal
Vol. 12, No. 6 of the International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning continues to evolve the concept of the online, web-based journal.
More on the acquisition of Blackboard
Boyd, R. (2011) Blackboard: A Tale of Two Companies Seeking Alpha August 29
Farmer, J. (2011) Investment bankers and Blackboard’s future, Part 1, If…. e-Literate,...