Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Sommet de l’iPad en éducation

Un message d'Aurélien Fievez: le Colloque international en éducation : enjeux actuels et futurs de la formation et de la profession enseignante aura lieu les 2 et 3 mai...

Exploiting the affordances of the iPad at Lynn University

Students at Lynn University Tilsley, A. (2013) iPadU Inside Higher Education, January 15 This is a report about Lynn University, a private nonprofit university based in...

Outlook for online learning in 2013: online learning comes of age

FunTab Class 9.1 Android ICS Tablet: will 2013 be the year of the tablet? In a previous post, I talked about the difficulties in making...

The University of Western Sydney goes for blended learning – big time!

Griffith, C. (2012) University to roll out 11,000 Apple iPads, The Australian, December 20 All new students enrolling in first year courses in the autumn...

Online learning in 2012: a retrospective

Well, 2012 was certainly the year of the MOOC. Audrey Watters provides a comprehensive overview of what happened with MOOCs in 2012, so I...

An analysis of iTunes Course Manager

Kim, J. (2012) How big a deal is Apple's iTunes U Course Manager? Inside Higher Education, August 23 iTunes U Course Manager is a web-based...

Apps or web sites for publishing on mobile devices?

Pontin, J. (2010) Why publishers don't like apps, Technology Review, May 7 This article is sub-titled: The future of media on mobile devices isn't with applications...

Examples of virtual worlds, simulations and mobile apps from Ontario

Carleton Virtual This is the second in a series of guest blogs on innovative developments in online learning in Ontario post-secondary institutions. (The first was...

Why learning management systems are not going away

Contact North has just published online a series of six short papers (10-12 pages) under the title of Learning Management Systems: Disruptive Developments, Alternative Options...

Can education afford the iPad?

 Extract: Click on the graphic to see the full graphic has produced another interesting graphic comparing the costs of iPads to textbooks. It argues...