Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Tracking innovations in online learning in Canada

I've not been blogging much recently because, frankly, I've been too busy, and not on the golf course or ski slopes, either. (Yeah, so...

What I learned at Drexel University in National Distance Learning Week

Fear and loathing in Philadelphia On Tuesday and Wednesday last week, I found myself in Philadelphia on U.S. Presidential Election day, and even more importantly, the...

Problems with the use of images in open textbooks

If you have downloaded my open textbook, 'Teaching in a Digital Age' in pdf or Modi format for the iPad or Kobo, you may...

Seeking the unique pedagogical characteristics of social media

Social media are still in a very volatile state of development, and many faculty worry about the negative aspects of students who are continually...

Seeking the unique pedagogical characteristics of computing

This is the fourth post on the unique characteristics of different media, for my open textbook, Teaching in a Digital Age. This was a fun one...

Seeking the unique pedagogical characteristics of text and print

This is the first of several posts on the unique characteristics of different media, for my open textbook, Teaching in a Digital Age. I'm...

Welcome back and a review of online learning developments in July and August

Here in Canada, tomorrow is the start of a new academic year. I know, because our garbage cans are full and the back lane...

Los Angeles schools to issue iPads to all students

Weiss, T. (2013) Los Angeles plans to give 640,000 students free iPads, CITE World, July 25 I don't normally cover k-12 developments, but this one...

MIT, learning technologies, and developing countries: lessons in technology transfer

  This week I spent three days at the MIT LINC (Learning International Networks Consortium) conference in Boston/Cambridge, Massachusetts, with the theme: 'Realizing the Dream:...

CNIE conference on Leadership and Innovation in Learning

I was in Ottawa in early May also to give a keynote at the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education conference. I am ashamed...