Network security, international students and online learning
Lohrmann, D. (2020) Online learning still struggles - especially with security, government technology, September 20
Eckhart, B. (2020) To use or not to use virtual...
What have we learned from Covid-19 about the limitations of online learning – and...
Being realistic about the strengths and weaknesses of online learning
I have spent a good part of my career defending and promoting online learning and...
Are you broadcasting or networking when teaching online?
My next three or so posts will be looking at key characteristics of media and technologies, again as part of Chapter 8 on 'Understanding...
Survey of the digital lives of professors
Allen, I.E. and Seaman, J. (2012) Digital Faculty: Professors, Teaching and Technology 2012 Inside Higher Ed, Babson Survey Research Group and Quahog Research Group, LLC.
Models for selecting and using technology: 3. Broadcast or communicative?
This is the third post in a series on selecting and using technology for teaching and learning.
The first two were Models for selecting and...
Pros and cons of outsourcing e-mail
Young, J. (2009) Colleges Warily Turn Sensitive E-Mail Over to Outside Companies Chronicle of Higher Education, Sept 21
Using e-mail to enable e3 (effective, efficient and engaging) learning Distance Education
Kim, C. (2008) ‘Using e-mail to enable e3 (effective, efficient and engaging) learning Distance Education Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 187-198