Feds want Google to rewrite book deal
eSchool News (2009) Feds want Google to rewrite book deal eSchool News, Sept 21
The U.S. Justice Department advised a federal judge on Sept. 18...
Google Books Settlement deadline and discussion
Kolowich, S. (2009) Speak now or forever hold your copyrights Inside Higher Education, Sept 4
Like many other authors, I have been grappling with how...
Kindle and the Blind
'The National Federation of the Blind and the American Council of the Blind are suing Arizona State University for its use of the Amazon...
Six lessons about e-books
Young, J. (2009) Six lessons one campus learned about e-books Chronicle of Higher Education College 2.0 June 12
An article that looks at lessons learned...
E-books: Chinese Premier’s e-book gift to University Library
Cambridge University (2009) Chinese Premier’s e-book gift to University Library, Press release, Feb 23
Cambridge University Library is now home to one of the world’s...
Toward an All E-Textbook Campus
Redden, E. (2009) Toward an all e-Textbook Campus Inside Higher Education, Jan 14
An interesting article on the use of e-books on campus at North...
The future of e-books
Online Educa Berlin (2008) The future of e-books
A short but useful objective discussion of recent developments in e-books. This is a trailer for a...