Friday, February 28, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Designing online learning for the 21st century

This being the time of year when many Canadian post-secondary institutions offer faculty development opportunities, I have been busy the last two or three...

Pedagogical roles for audio in online learning

'Sounds, such as the noise of certain machinery, or the background hum of daily life, have an associative as well as a pure meaning,...

Book review: Clark Quinn’s ‘The Mobile Academy’

Quinn, C. (2012) The Mobile Academy: mLearning for Higher Education San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/John Wiley, 120 pp The author points out that 90% of the world's...

Blackboard Collaborate 11: a step forward in synchronous learning (or plus ça change….)

Audio-graphics, 1983 I first got involved in audio-graphics in 1980 (yes, that's right, 31 years ago - I'm very old, and so is audio-conferencing). Paul...

Journal on the web and the internationalization of universities

  RUSC: Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento Vol. 8, No. 2 RUSC  is an e-journal published by the Open University of Catalonia, Spain. The...

Marshall McLuhan and his relevance to teaching with technology

Today (July 21) is the 100th anniversary of the birth of Marshall McLuhan. Although I was not consciously aware of it at the time,...

Instructional design: the times they are a’changing

  Last week I attended a very interesting workshop, called Just ID,  at the University of British Columbia. The workshop was organized with the support of...

Making online courses accessible to blind students

Parry, M. (2010) Colleges lock out blind students online Chronicle of Higher Education, December 17 'Colleges that wouldn't dare put up a new building without...

Tunisian web site on e-learning vocalized in three languages

For the first time in Tunisia, e-Taalim, an electronic Magazine specialized in the fields of e-Learning and blended learning, announces officially the...

Innovative e-learning in the Vancouver area

I worry about the often negative tone of many of my posts. It was therefore a great pleasure to attend the joint Justice Institute...