Thursday, March 27, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Why we need some humility about online learning – and about face-to-face teaching

Those of us who have been fighting to get online learning accepted over the last 20-25 years have argued strongly the merits of online...

Some recent videos on the future of online learning

I'm listing here some of the recordings of recent presentations and webinars that include a good deal of input from faculty and/or graduate students. ________________________________________________________________________ 2021...

What happens to online students when the Internet goes down?

Holzweiss, P. and Walker, D. (2021) The Impact of a Regional Crisis on Online Students and Faculty Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, Vol....

Decision-making in uncertain times: what recent research into online learning indicates

CDLRA Conversations: Decision-Making in Uncertain Times, September 6, 2021 The CDLRA (Canadian Digital Learning Research Association) is in the process of analysing the results from...

Alternative delivery methods for distance education: a history

For those of you interested in the history of distance education, there are lessons to be learned about different ways to deliver distance education....

Quality and equity in digital learning: a policy brief from the Commonwealth of Learning

Commonwealth of Learning (2021) Quality and equity in digital learning: a policy brief Burnaby BC: Commonwealth of Learning About the policy brief The Commonwealth of Learning...

Teaching during a pandemic: a longitudinal study

Johnson, N., Seaman, J. and Veletsianos, G. (2021) Teaching during a pandemic: Spring Transition, Fall Continuation, Winter Evaluation Bay View Analytics: Oakland CA, March...

Study of British students’ digital experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic

JISC (2021) Student digital experience insights survey 2020/21: Findings from UK higher education and further education (pulse 1: October-December 2020), 8 March 2021 This is...

Bridging the Digital Dive: 2: Technology inequities and solutions

McKenzie, L. (2021) Bridging the Digital Divide: Lessons from Covid-19 Washington DC: Inside Higher Education, February 2, 27 pp This is the second post in...

Stunning research on inequities of access to online learning in the USA

Figure 1. Percentage of children (ages 0–18 years) learning online whose parents reported that they had inadequate access to the Internet or a computer...