Saturday, February 22, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Examples of hybrid online learning from Ontario

Judith Tobin of Contact North has been collecting examples of innovation in online learning from the 20 universities and 24 colleges in the Ontario...

A hard look at Rapid eLearning

Boulet, G. (2012) Rapid eLearning: Building a House Without an Architect, eLearn Magazine, February 2012 This is an excellent article by Guy Boulet, of the Canadian Navy...

Online training for barmen (and women)

Health Communications Inc (2012) Washington State Liquor Control Board Approves Online Alcohol Server Training Program, February 9 Just to show that e-learning is now everywhere: Health...

Qatar’s e-learning success

Gulf Times (2012) ictQATAR e-learning initiative receives tremendous response, February 9 Another interesting development from an Arabic country. Qatar (population 1.76 million) has 8,000 participants taking web-based...

CVU’s report on the state of online university education in Canada: first heal thyself

Canadian Virtual University (2012) Online University Education in Canada: Challenges and Opportunities Athabasca University AB: Canadian Virtual University. The report was commissioned by the Canadian Federal...

European report on the future of learning

Redecker, C. et al. (2011) The Future of Learning: Preparing for Change Seville Spain: Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, JRC, European Commission What the report...

Australia’s national strategy for e-learning in vocational and educational training (VET)

Australia: Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (2011) National VET e-Learning Strategy, 2012-2015 Canberra: Government of Australia This document sets out a national strategy for...

Conference: Social Media in Vocational and Adult Training

Can you get to Brussels? If so, the Next Generation Learning Conference has a conference on: How to Integrate Social Media in Vocational and Adult...

BigMarker: a free, open web conferencing hub

For those interested in non-formal learning, you may want to take a look at BigMarker, a web 'hub' for those wanting to teach or...

Online simulations for bomb dispersal

New Security Learning (2011) Virtual training for bomb dispersal experts, Issue 8 A German company, szenaris GmbH, has developed a virtual reality simulation for the...