Sunday, December 22, 2024
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Lifelong learning for farmers in developing countries

Commonwealth of Learning (2010) Lifelong learning for farmers: Sri Lanka Connections, February, Vol. 15, No. 1 The Commonwealth of Learning has expanded its lifelong learning...

Maritime courses developed for the Virtual University of Small States

Commonwealth of Learning (2010) Samoa workshop develops VUSSC maritime training materials Connections, February Vol. 15, No. 1 The Virtual University of the Small States of...

75 Free Language Learning Resources Online

This site from ZenCollegeLife lists 75 resources for learning languages online. I can't guarantee the quality, though.

Update on educational video games, March 2010

Thanks to Natasha Boskic for this John Rice (2010). New 3D Learning Book by Karl Kapp. Educational Games Research: Research and discussion concerning instructional video...

Learning technologies in engineering education

Regular readers will know that I believe that 'real' engineering is one of the tougher areas for e-learning, because of the need for hands-on...

Research into online teacher education

Eduventures (2009) Where Teacher Education and Online Programming Meet:  Supporting Field Experiences in Online Initial Teacher Licensure Programs Boston MA: Eduventures Inc This study by...

Workshops on teaching math, literacy with Moodle and cells phones in class

CEET, the Community of Expertise in Educational Technology, is a professional learning forum for BC educators. It is an opportunity to network, explore...

Growth of online courses in nursing forecast for USA

Kolowich, S. (2010) Online Cure for the Nursing Crisis Inside Higher Education February 2 A report released last month from the Carnegie Foundation for the...

A personal view of e-learning at the University of British Columbia

The Irving K. Barber Learning Centre (home of OLT) It's now seven years since I resigned as Director of Distance Education and Technology at UBC,...

Open resource on essay writing from the University of the South Pacific

I dedicate this item to all those Canadians who are getting sick of snow and below zero temperatures in the middle of our winter. Established...