Nine questions to ask when choosing modes of delivery
This is the fifth of five posts on choosing modes of delivery for Chapter 10 of my online open textbook, Teaching in a Digital...
JET&S: Special journal issue on technology supported cognition and exploratory learning
The Journal of Educational Technology and Society, Vol. 15, No.1, has a special edition on technology supported cognition and exploratory learning.
From the editorial:
Growth of online courses in nursing forecast for USA
Kolowich, S. (2010) Online Cure for the Nursing Crisis Inside Higher Education February 2
A report released last month from the Carnegie Foundation for the...
Cell phones used to deliver course content
'U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan says schools and colleges should deliver course content to the cell phones that students use to talk and text...
e-Portfolios for nursing education
Teja, F. (2009) PEP’ing Up Your ePortfolio at the UBC School of Nursing UBC e-Strategy Newsletter, May 2009
An article describing the development at the...