Friday, March 28, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

More developments in online labs

Zalaznik, M. (2014) Online labs evolve University Business, May What's happening This article reports on the following developments in online labs: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University has created an...

Innovation in teaching in Ontario universities

  Council of Ontario Universities (2012) Beyond the sage on the stage: innovative and effective teaching and learning in Ontario universities Toronto ON: COU This document...

Virtual and real bone surgery: the power of animation

First, an apology. You may have noticed a reduction in the number of my posts the last few weeks. The reason: bone surgery. I...

Using interactive video for patient health education

Along with thousands of other people over 65, I''m scheduled for a partial knee replacement this summer. As part of the excellent pre-operational education...

Vancouver showcase of online learning innovations available on video

The Justice Institute of British Columbia and Vancouver Community College hosted an 'online showcase' on November 30, 2011, sponsored by the Metro Vancouver Educational...

The African Health OER Network

Mawayo, M. and Tlaka, M. (2011) The African Health OER Network, SAIDE Newsletter, Vol. 17, No. 5 A useful short description of the African Health...

What is more important than grades?

In an earlier posting on the OECD's PISA tests, there was some discussion about what was NOT measured in standardized tests of reading, science...

Innovative e-learning in the Vancouver area

I worry about the often negative tone of many of my posts. It was therefore a great pleasure to attend the joint Justice Institute...

November issue of journal ‘Distance Education’

The November 2010 edition of 'Distance Education', Vol. 31, No 3. is now out, but not as an open access document. If you are...

Distance Education and Mobile Learning

The Australian-based Distance Education journal has just brought out a special edition on distance education and mobile learning. The articles between them provide a good...