Monday, March 31, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Demographics and online learning

Rai, S. (2016) How Millennial Moms Are Parenting Differently Than Their Parents Z Living Network, 7 March Unauthored (2016)  Survey Finds Millennial Parents Supportive Of...

Culture and effective online learning environments

Figure A 1 from the original version of ‘Teaching at a Distance’ Over the last two months I have done a couple of workshops on...

In the USA, fully online enrollments continue to grow in 2014

Straut, T.T. and Poulin, R. (2015) Highlights of Distance Education Trends from IPEDS Fall 2014, WCET Frontiers, 21 December Source WCET (the Western Co-operative for Educational...

That was the year that was: what you read on my blog in 2015

I find it a fun exercise to analyse the statistics for my blog at the end of the year, to see what were the...

Book review: A History of the Open University

Weinbren, D. (2105) The Open University: A History Manchester: Manchester University Press/The Open University, 274 pp + notes, £18.99, C$31.61, US$22.30 (paperback edition) Why you...

Who are your online students?

Clinefelter, D. L., & Aslanian, C. B. (2015). Online college students 2015: Comprehensive data on demands and preferences. Louisville, KY: The Learning House, Inc. The...

Advice to students about Athabasca University

Caveat Much has happened since this was posted in June 0f 2015, including an extensive external review. Go to 'A brighter future for Athabasca University?'...

Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics: WCET’s analysis of distance education enrolments in the USA

Russell Poulin and Terri Straut have done an invaluable analysis of recent data on distance education enrolments in the USA in the following three...

Mode of delivery: Learners as a determining factor

This is the third of five posts on choosing between different modes of delivery as part of Chapter 10 for my online open textbook,...

Ease of use as a criterion for technology selection in online learning

I felt myself cringing as I wrote this section for my book on 'Teaching in a Digital Age'. Talk about do what I say...