Can artificial intelligence transform higher education? Call for papers
I know all my readers will be interested in the answer to this question!
The International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education has recently put out...
(Almost) free books on online learning
I did a big clear-out over the holiday period and found a whole batch of brand new printed copies of three of my books....
Summary of the 2018 survey of online learning in Canadian colleges and universities
The Canadian Digital Learning Research Association has just finalised the results from the 2018 national survey. The full technical report has been completed in...
Using virtual reality to study interactive molecular dynamics
Morales, A. (2018) How Virtual Reality Can Change The Way We See Our Molecular World, Forbes, 25 July
O'Connor, M. et al. (2018) Sampling molecular conformations...
Book review: Open and Distance Non-formal Education in Developing Countries
Latchem, C. (2018) Open and Distance Non-formal Education in Developing Countries Springer: Singapore
The author
I was about to review this book when I was informed of...
More developments in teaching science online
Matthews, D. (2018) Scepticism over Google plan to replace labs with virtual reality, Times Higher Education, June 7
The Harvard Gazette (2018) Virtual lab to extend reach...
Online learning and disruptive change at the UK Open University
Sturm und Strang
I've was in England last week, attending the 7th eSTEeM conference at the Open University as the opening keynote speaker, only my...
‘Making Digital Learning Work’: why faculty and program directors must change their approach
Bailey, A. et al (2018) Making Digital Learning Work Boston MA:The Boston Consulting Group/Arizona State University
Getting blended learning wrong
I've been to several universities recently...
What I would like to see in online learning in 2018: 1: a theory...
Prediction is difficult, especially about the future, so I won't waste your time in suggesting what technologies are likely to take off in 2018....
How to keep up with new technology in online learning
I was recently asked if I would answer a couple of questions from students in Royal Roads University's course 'Leveraging Technology in Higher Education'...