Friday, February 28, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Is your institution considering mobile learning?

Brimah, T. and Fusch, D. (2010) Considering mobile learning for your institution Academic Impressions Higher Ed Impact: Weekly Analysis January 28 This article, basically an...

Review of e-learning possibilities and limitations of Apple’s iPad

Brandon, B. (2010) Apple's iPad: what does it offer for e-learning? Learning Solutions Magazine January 27 I was wondering how to comment on the iPad...

Do serious games lead to academic learning?

Blunt, R. (2009) Do serious games work? Results from three studies eLearn Magazine, December 1 From Natasha Boskic In a contemporary digital world that is daily...

Great expectations for e-learning in 2010

In the Globe and Mail on December 19, Leah McLaren wrote: 'We are living in an Era of Perpetual Advice - and almost none of...

Are e-books at the tipping point?

Johnson, T. (2009) Electronic text books set to take over? University Affairs, December 7 An interesting article that explores the pros and cons of e-books,...

Special report on learning with 3-D video

Stansbury, M. (2009) eSN Special report: Learning in 3D eSchool News, December 11 Will three-dimensional video be the next flavour of the month in educational...

R2D2: A model for using technology in education

Bonk, C. (2009) R2D2: A model for using technology in education eSchool News, December 11 For all you Luke Skywalkers and Princess Leias in e-learning,...

The learners' experience of e-learning

From 'Key messages' in the JISC Responding to Learners Pack JISC (2009) Responding to Learners Pack Bristol, UK: Joint Information Systems Committee. From the JISC site: JISC...

Are learning management systems doomed?

As usual, George Siemen's blog is being provocative in his November 10, 2009 posting: Futue of learning: LMS or SNS, in which he argues...

Special journal edition on self-directed learning

Over the summer, the Journal of Educational Technology & Society published a special edition (Vol. 12, No. 3) on self-directed learning, guest edited by...