Saturday, March 1, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Dispelling myths

I came across some blogs about 'myths', so I thought I'd put them together. Myth No. 1: 'A university education is becoming so costly -...

The future of instructional design – or my heart belongs to ADDIE

On Sunday, I attended a very interesting meeting of about 50 instructional designers (what is a good collective noun for instructional designers?) from across...

New gadgets in Canadian higher education

Pagliaro, J. (2010) Apple America: Why Canada’s learning technology experts say tech handouts are lackluster Macleans, May 17 Another disappointing article from a national journal,...

Preliminary book review: An Introduction to Distance Education

Cleveland-Innes, M. and Garrison, R. (eds.) 2010 An Introduction to Distance Education: Understanding Teaching and Learning in a New Era New York/Abingdon UK: Routledge This...

Educational affordances of the iPad

For a very quick and preliminary review of possible educational uses or affordances of the Apple iPad, see Elliott Masie's 10 minute video at:...

What do instructors need to know about teaching with technology?

I believe that we will see no real innovation, no fundamental change, in post-secondary education, at least from within, unless all instructors have basic...

Mini-series on e-portfolios and personal learning environments

Graham Attwell is running a thoughtful min-series of blogs on this topic. See: Attwell, G. (2009) e-portfolios-WTF Pontydysgu: Bridge to Learning, September 4 Attwell, G. (2010)...

More on the Chronicle’s virtual world article

I know that if you write a blog, you will get criticism, and it's been a good week for that, what with the Tapscott...

From computer mediated communication to web-based conferencing

McCrea, B. (2010) Getting face-to-face with distance education Campus Technology, February 17. Another really interesting article. If online teaching has a 'birth', it was at...

From Second Life to authentic educational Virtual Worlds?

Young, J. (2010) After Frustrations in Second Life, Colleges Look to New Virtual Worlds Chronicle of Higher Education, February 14 This excellent article looks at...