Saturday, March 1, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Journal: Distance Education, Vol. 32, No. 1 now available

Is online distance education about to collapse like the Tower of Babel? So asks Jon Baggaley Distance Education, Vol. 32, No. 1, May 2011 The academic...

Marshall McLuhan and his relevance to teaching with technology

Today (July 21) is the 100th anniversary of the birth of Marshall McLuhan. Although I was not consciously aware of it at the time,...

5. Models for selecting media and technology: 5. Media or technology?

  This is the fifth post in a series on selecting and using technology for teaching and learning. The first four were Models for selecting and...

Models for selecting and using technology: 4. Synchronous or asynchronous?

This is the fourth post in a series on selecting and using technology for teaching and learning. The first three were Models for selecting and...

Models for selecting and using technology: 3. Broadcast or communicative?

  This is the third post in a series on selecting and using technology for teaching and learning. The first two were Models for selecting and...

The digital future of higher education, on video

Videos have now been posted of presentations at two conferences in British Columbia, both looking at the future of digital learning. The digital future of...

Instructional design: the times they are a’changing

  Last week I attended a very interesting workshop, called Just ID,  at the University of British Columbia. The workshop was organized with the support of...

Some basic assumptions about e-learning challenged

Guri-Rosenblit, S. and Gros, B. (2011) E-Learning: Confusing Terminology, Research Gaps and Inherent Challenges Journal of Distance Education, Vol. 25, No.1 Following its admirable policy...

How will glass affect the future of e-learning?

I don't often show commercials, but Corning's 'A Day Made of Glass' set me thinking about how its vision for the future could inspire...

Developing engaging online assessment strategies

Boettcher, J. (2011) Evidence of Learning Online: Assessment Beyond The Paper, Campus Technology, February 23 Online learning offers the opportunity for innovative, more authentic forms...