MIT and German research on the [appalling] use of video in xMOOCs
Hansch, A. et al. (2015) Video and Online Learning: Critical Reflections and Findings From the Field Berlin DE: Alexander von Humbolt Institut für Internet und...
UBC develops an institutional strategy for learning technologies
Bates, S. et al. (2015) UBC’s Learning Technology Ecosystem: Developing a Shared Vision, Blueprint & Roadmap Vancouver BC: University of British Columbia
I've not been...
Ensuring quality teaching in a digital age: key takeaways
I have now completed and published Chapter 11, 'Ensuring quality teaching in a digital age', for my online open textbook, Teaching in a Digital...
10 key takeaways about differences between classroom, blended, online and open learning
Lucky readers: you get a bonus! This is really a brief summary of all of the ten previous posts on this topic, which constitute...
Nine questions to ask when choosing modes of delivery
This is the fifth of five posts on choosing modes of delivery for Chapter 10 of my online open textbook, Teaching in a Digital...
Desperately seeking the unique pedagogical characteristics of face-to-face teaching
This is the fourth of five posts on choosing modes of delivery for my online open textbook Teaching in a Digital Age. The post...
Mode of delivery: Learners as a determining factor
This is the third of five posts on choosing between different modes of delivery as part of Chapter 10 for my online open textbook,...
Challenging the supremacy of face-to-face teaching
This is the second of five posts on choosing appropriate modes of delivery, part of Chapter 10 of my online open textbook, Teaching in...
Deciding on modes of delivery
This is the first of a series of five posts that look at the following:
deciding whether a whole course or program should be offered wholly...
Chapter 9 on choosing media now published
The first draft of the whole of Chapter 9 on Choosing and Using Media in Education for my online open textbook Teaching in...