So: is e-learning really failing in higher education? An answer
This is the last in a series of ten blogs on the topic: 'Is e-learning failing in higher education?' My blogs on this topic...
IRRODL special edition on openness and the future of higher education
The International Review of Open and Distance Learning has just brought out a special issue, Vol. 10, No. 5, 2009, edited by David Wiley...
A personal view of e-learning in Saudi Arabia
A mosque in Arar, Northern Saudi Arabia. Arar is on the route for pilgrims from Iraq and Iran for the Haj in Mecca.
The purpose...
Students think professors could do better with e-learning
CDW-G (2009) The 2009 21st-Century Campus Report: Defining the Vision Vernon Hills IL: CDW-G
CDW is a leading provider of technology solutions for business, government...
Barriers to effective use of open educational resources in developing countries
Hatakka, M. (2009) Build it and they will come? Inhibiting factors for re-use of open content in developing countries The Electronic Journal of Information...
Open educational resources in developing countries
Commonwealth of Learning (2009) OERs: the promise and the pitfalls, Connections, October
Although fairly brief, the article contains some useful links on OERs
Call for action on open education from NMC and the Open University of Catalonia
A communiqué has just been released about the outcome of the Open Ed Tech conference held jointly by NMC and UOC in Barcelona October...
Using LMSs to identify 'at-risk' students
Kolowich, S. (2009) The new diagnostics, Inside Higher Education, September 30
An article about three institutions, Rio Salado Community College, Purdue University, and Capella University,...
e-portfolios and skills (competences) assessment
Krämer, J. and Seeler, G. (2009) E-portfolios as tools to assess generic competences in distance learning study courses Elearningpapers, September
This paper by faculty from...
New millennial learners in higher education: evidence and policy implications
Pedró, F. (2009) 'New millennial learners in higher education: evidence and policy implications', in 'Technology in Higher Education', to be released later by OECD/CERI