e-Portfolios for teacher candidates
Paul, C. and Schofield, A. (2009) e-Portfolios for teacher candidates UBC e-Strategy Update, October 14
This is a discussion and evaluation of the use of...
Managing curriculum change
JISC (2009) Managing curriculum change Bristol UK: JISC
Another interesting publication from the UK's Joint Information Steering Committee .
This is a short (6 page) well-illustrated...
Why '21st century skills' are important educational goals
Downes, S. (2009) An operating system for the mind, Stephen's Blog, September 19
In case you missed it when it first came out (I did...
Work-based learning for lifelong learners
Basiel, A. (2009) One size doesn't fit all Online Educa Berlin
The Institute for Work Based Learning (IWBL) at Middlesex University in the United Kingdom...
Online conference on social networking in the workplace
The Canadian Network for Innovation in Education invites you to an online conference on 16 December at 1:00 P.M. Eastern on:
Social Networking in the...
Lifelong learning in Canada
Statistics Canada (2009) Lifelong Learning Among Canadians Aged 18 to 64 Years: First Results from the 2008 Access and Support to Education and Training...
Tweeting in class
Young, J. (2009) Teaching with Twitter: Not for the Faint of Heart Chronicle of Higher Education, November 22
Interesting article on use of Twitter and...
The learners' experience of e-learning
From 'Key messages' in the JISC Responding to Learners Pack
JISC (2009) Responding to Learners Pack Bristol, UK: Joint Information Systems Committee.
From the JISC site:
Defining the 'open' in open content
David Wiley has posted a blog where he attempts to define what open content means:
Wiley, D. (2009) Defining 'open' Iterating towards openness, November 16.
Recurring Issues Encountered by Distance Educators in Developing and Emerging Nations
Wright, C., Dhanarajan, G. and Reju, S. (2009) Recurring Issues Encountered by Distance Educators in Developing and Emerging Nations IRRODL, Vol. 10, No. 1