Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Do serious games lead to academic learning?

Blunt, R. (2009) Do serious games work? Results from three studies eLearn Magazine, December 1 From Natasha Boskic In a contemporary digital world that is daily...

Old mantras instead of new thinking

Tolley, R. (2010) A New Year - but Old Mantras? e-Folio in the UK, January 3 In an excellent diatribe from the UK, Roy Tolley...

More on the Carnegie Mellon Open Learning Initiative

Kolowich, S. (2009) Hybrid education 2.0 Inside Higher Education, December 28 An interesting article that provides more information about the Carnegie Mellon Open Learning Initiative,...

New edition of the Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education

The TOJDE is always an interesting compilation of papers by researchers mainly from outside the Western Anglo-Saxon culture. Volume: 11 Number: 1 can be...

Reigning in costs with online learning

Bassis, M. (2009) Reigning in college costs Businessweek, December 21 This is a useful article, from the President of Westminster College, Salt Lake City, to...

Great expectations for e-learning in 2010

In the Globe and Mail on December 19, Leah McLaren wrote: 'We are living in an Era of Perpetual Advice - and almost none of...

Are e-books at the tipping point?

Johnson, T. (2009) Electronic text books set to take over? University Affairs, December 7 An interesting article that explores the pros and cons of e-books,...

Multi-tasking vs focusing: which is best?

And the answer is: it all depends! As usual with human behaviour, it depends on the context. Ophir, E., Nass, C., and Wagner, A. (2009)...

Six priorities for Canadian e-learning in 2010

Summary of my priorities 1. A requirement for all newly appointed full-time instructors in public Canadian post-secondary educational institutions to have a formal certification in...

Management innovation and online higher education

Hampson, K. (2009) Part 2: Management Innovation and Online Higher Education Higher Education Management Group, May 25, 2009 I've just caught up with this excellent...