Development of a Train-the-Trainer Course for E-Portfolio
Hilzensauer, W. and Buchberger, G. (2009) MOSEP – More Self-Esteem With My E-Portfolio: Development of a Train-the-Trainer Course for E-Portfolio Tutors International Journal of...
Making Common Cause: Electronic Portfolios, Learning, and the Power of Community
Cambridge, D., Cambridge, B. and Yancey, K. (2009) Electronic Portfolios 2.0 Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing
From the publisher's blurb:
The contributors to this book..have undertaken research...
The danger of recording lectures
Young, J. (2009) Caught (unfortunately) on tape Chronicle of Higher Education, March 20
This amusing article on classroom bloopers also raises some serious issues about...
False Positives on Plagiarism
Jaschik, S. (2009) False Positives on Plagiarism Inside Higher Education, March 13
At this year's meeting of the Conference on College Composition and Communication (USA),...
African Tourism Industry Needs eTraining
Johnson, C. and de Beer, M. (2009) African Tourism Industry Needs eTraining e-Learning Africa, Vol. 4, March 12
The researchers Colin Johnson from San Francisco...
Combating Yellow Fever: A Serious Game
Duperray, C. (2009) Combating Yellow Fever: A Serious Game eLearning Africa, No.4, March 12
The World Health Organization (WHO) in collaboration with the Agence de...
Are We Ready to Use Wikipedia to Teach Writing?
Cummings, R. (2009) Are We Ready to Use Wikipedia to Teach Writing? Inside Higher Education, March 12
An interesting article about the use of Wikipedia,...
Standards to Take ePortfolios Outside the Institution and into the Future
Grush, M. (2009) Standards to Take ePortfolios Outside the Institution and into the Future Campus Technology March 11
An interview with Phil Rice about the...
Assessing learners online (book)
Oosterhoff, A., Conrad, R.M., & Ely, D.P. (2008). Assessing learners online.Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. 242 pp.
From the publisher's blurb: 'Written by...
Campus-based students’ use of e-learning tools
Percival, J. and Muirhead, B. (2009) Prioritizing the Implementation of E-Learning Tools to Enhance the Post-Secondary Learning Environment Journal of Distance Education, Vol. 23,...