Saturday, February 8, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Empowering education through technology in the k-12/school sector

My web site focuses primarily on post-secondary education, and because of the volume of articles in the k-12/school sector, I rarely post articles about...

Delivering Assessments Safely and Securely

White Paper from Questionmark Inc: Delivering Assessments Safely and Securely 2009 Distinguishing between the various delivery and security requirements for each style of assessment is...

ICT-based Learning Designs

Learning designs: products of the AUTC project on ICT-based learning designs 'The term learning design is used by this project ...

New standards to facilitate e-learning

Carter, D. (2009) New standards to facilitate learning e-School News March 31 'A consortium of educators and technology executives has developed a common set of...

Seeking Realness in a Virtual World: Dis/illusion and Community in Online Education

Jubas, K. (2005) Seeking Realness in a Virtual World: Dis/illusion and Community in Online Education Workplace: A Journal for Academic Labor Vol. 7, No....

Learning in Communities of Inquiry: A Review of the Literature

Rourke, L. and Kanuka, H. (2009) Learning in Communities of Inquiry: A Review of the Literature Journal of Distance Education, Vol. 23, No. 1 From...

Meaning and metrics: assessment in the humanities

Scobey, D. (2009) Meaning and Metrics Inside Higher Education, March 19 A very thoughtful argument about assessment in the humanities and the important role e-portfolios...

Why ICTs are mission-critical for post-secondary institutions

This is the second of three blogs that examine some basic assumptions about technology and education, based on a review of three books: 'THE...

Evaluation of E-Portfolio Software

Himpsl, K. and Baumgartner, P. (2009) Evaluation of E-Portfolio Software International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 16-22 Abstract E-Portfolios are...

Learning and Teaching With E-Portfolios: Experiences in and Challenges for Adult Education

Bisovsky, G. and Schaffert, S. (2009) Learning and Teaching With E-Portfolios: Experiences in and Challenges for Adult Education International Journal of Emerging Technologies in...