Saturday, February 8, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Who’s hi-jacking our e-Portfolios?

Tolley, R. (2008) Who's hi-jacking our e-Portfolios? Ray Tolley is a consultant in England who has been providing staff support in ICT for some 25...

Reviews of ‘Evaluation in Distance Education and e-Learning’

Ruhe, V. and Zumbo, B. (2009) Evaluation in Distance Education and e-Learning London/New York: Guildford Press Contents Preface 1. Why do we need a new approach to...

Rapid e-Learning 101

Tom Kuhlmann's Rapid E-Learning Blog shares practical tips and tricks to help trainers to become rapid elearning pros. He offers a useful 7-part series...

E-learning, faculty training and the value of subscription journals

Marry in haste and repent at leisure, so the old saying goes. It could also be applied to blog posts - post in haste...

Teaching Courses Online: A Review of the Research

Tallent-Runnels, M. et al. (2006) Review of Educational Research, Vol. 76, No. 1, pp. 93-135 Abstract: This literature review summarizes research on online teaching and...

Does technology use improve learning outcomes?

Reynard, R. (2009) Can We Gauge Technology's Impact on Learning Outcomes? Campus Technology, March 25 A thoughtful essay in a long line that discusses the...

Why is Web 2.0 Important to Higher Education?

Batson, T. (2009) Why is Web 2.0 Important to Higher Education? Campus Technology, April 15 An opinion piece that doesn't say anything more (e.g. 'the...

Sloan Foundation ends online funding program

Bourne, J. (2009) Announcement about Sloan-C Newburyport, MA: Sloan Consortium Extract: 'The Sloan Consortium's most recent national survey, Staying The Course - Online Education in the...

Rise in (2-year USA college) distance enrolments (yet again)

Jaschik, S. (2009) Rise in Distance Enrollments Inside Higher Education, April 6 Extracts: 'A national survey of colleges by the Instructional Technology Council, an affiliate of...

Sustainable Open Source Solutions for Africa – Myth or Reality?

e-Learning Africa (2009) Sustainable Open Source Solutions for Africa – Myth or Reality? e-Learning Africa Newsportal April 7 Interesting contributions from speakers at the e-Learning...