Blackboard Inc buys Angel Learning
Carter, D. (2009) Blackboard-Angel deal gives pause to some eSchool News, May 7
The latest on LMS wars. Even less choice of commercial software now....
Take a Walk on the Wired Side
Weir, R. (2009) Take a Walk on the Wired Side Inside Higher Education, May 11
Some good, practical advice for instructors considering teaching an online...
3D Learning and Virtual Worlds: Training Applications
ACS Learning Services 3D Learning and Virtual Worlds: An ACS Expertise in Action White Paper Dallas TX: ACS, available through
A 17 page report...
OpenCourseWare: College education, without the student loans
Farnsworth, A. (2009) OpenCourseWare: College education, without the student loans Christian Science Monitor, May 13
A slightly more-in-depth-than-usual newspaper article on open educational resources.
Online game on academic integrity and plagiarism
For some fun go to University of British Columbia's Library's Academic Integrity Resource Centre site and click on the 'stage' icon on the right...
21st Century Skills Assessment: How Ready are Your Students?
Although focused on the school/k-20 sector, eSchool News has developed a resource site of articles on how schools are addressing the issue of the...
Higher Education in a Web 2.0 World
Committee of Inquiry into the Changing Learner Experience (2009) Higher Education in a Web 2.0 World Bristol, UK: JISC/HEFCE, 52 pp.
'Supported by the principal...
Text messaging for collaborative learning in South Africa
Makoe, M. (2009) MXit: How to Encourage and Facilitate Communication Among Students eLearning Africa Newsletter, May 12
This interview with a professor from the University...
More on laptops in lectures
Schellenberg, T. (2009) Getting the Half Attention of Students UBC e-Strategy Newsletter, May
An article that follows on from the Macleans OnCampus article, with additional...
e-Portfolios for nursing education
Teja, F. (2009) PEP’ing Up Your ePortfolio at the UBC School of Nursing UBC e-Strategy Newsletter, May 2009
An article describing the development at the...