Research posts in online learning at the European Commission
I don't normally advertise jobs on this site, but I am often asked if I take 'interns' (I don't, as a rule, as I...
The world’s largest supplier of free online learning? (updated, March 22, 2021)
Who do you think is the largest supplier of free online learning? MIT? Stanford? Carnegie Mellon's Open Learn Initiative? iTunesU? The UK's OpenLearn? The...
Concevoir l’enseignment en ligne pour répondre aux besoins des apprenants du 21e siècle
Il est l'heure quand beaucoup des universités et des collèges Canadiennes offrent la formation aux professeurs. Ainsi j'avais été bien occupé pendant les dernières...
Designing online learning for the 21st century
This being the time of year when many Canadian post-secondary institutions offer faculty development opportunities, I have been busy the last two or three...
Roundup of news on online developments in US higher education
Having been on the road for the last two weeks, I've accumulated a backlog of material for the blog. Here I'm providing a very...
Why learning management systems are not going away
Contact North has just published online a series of six short papers (10-12 pages) under the title of Learning Management Systems: Disruptive Developments, Alternative Options...
New resources for online educators from Contact North
Over the last few months, Contact North has been gradually adding an impressive range of online resources to its Educator Portal. As well as the numerous articles...
MIT to develop new Open Learning Enterprise unit for online learning
Reif, L. (2012) Letter to the community on appointment of Open Learning Enterprise director MIT News, March 16
News Office (2012) Anant Agarwal named director of new...
A short critique of the Khan Academy
Bean, E. (2012) Wrath of Khan?: Deconstructing the online learning academy Detroit Web 2.0 Examiner, March 12
Eric Bean is an educator who has signed up...
Pedagogical roles for video in online learning
The underuse of video in post-secondary online learning
Video is not being used enough in online learning in post-secondary education. When used it is often...