Monday, March 31, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Initiating instructors to online learning: 10 fundamentals

Click to download the pdf What? Not ANOTHER book from me? Well, no, not quite. 'Teaching in a Digital Age' has been a great success but...

Online learning for beginners: 7. Why not just record my lectures?

This is the seventh in a series of a dozen blog posts aimed at those new to online learning or thinking of possibly doing it....

Online learning for beginners: 4. ‘What kinds of online learning are there?’

This is the fourth of a series of a dozen blog posts aimed at those new to online learning or thinking of possibly doing...

Online learning for beginners: 3. ‘Aren’t MOOCs online learning?’

What are MOOCs? Just in case you don't know what MOOCs are (massive, open online courses), they are usually courses that use video recordings of lectures...

French version of ‘Teaching in a Digital Age’ now available

The French version of 'Teaching in a Digital Age', L'enseignement a l'ère numerique', is now available from here. I am very grateful to Contact North|Contact Nord...

EDEN 2016: Re-imagining Learning Environments

The EDEN conference I have just attended the annual conference of the European Distance and E-Learning Network in Budapest, Hungary. EDEN is one of my favourite conferences...

Webinar recording: How open education will revolutionize higher education

Last Tuesday I did a Contact North webinar on the above topic. This was the last of five webinars based on my book, Teaching...

Automation or empowerment: online learning at the crossroads

You are probably, like me, getting tired of the different predictions for 2016. So I’m not going to do my usual look forward for...

That was the year that was: what you read on my blog in 2015

I find it a fun exercise to analyse the statistics for my blog at the end of the year, to see what were the...

That was the year, that was: main trends in 2015

Well, here we are at the end of another year. Doesn't time fly! So here is my look back on 2015. I'll do this...