Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

What do instructors need to know about teaching with technology?

I believe that we will see no real innovation, no fundamental change, in post-secondary education, at least from within, unless all instructors have basic...

Special IRRODL edition on connectivism: articles wanted

IRRODL (the International Review of Research on Open and Distance Learning) is now requesting contributions for peer review and possible publication in an upcoming...

Can you move classroom courses online quickly and cheaply?

In a previous post, Will lecture capture replace asynchronous distance learning, I wrote: I come from a background where distance education courses are specifically...

Three generations of distance education pedagogy: an online workshop

The Canadian Network for Innovation in Education is offering an online audio-conference workshop on April 14 in the CIDER series. From their announcement We are very...

Computer-based tutoring research is still alive

The Journal of Educational Technology & Society, Vol. 13, No. 1 has a new edition out on the topic of Intelligent Tutoring Systems. From the...

A critique of Tapscott and William’s views on university reform

Tapscott, D. and Williams, A. (2010) Innovating the 21st century university: It's Time Educause Review, Vol. 45, No. 1 First of all, thanks to both...

Learning technologies in engineering education

Regular readers will know that I believe that 'real' engineering is one of the tougher areas for e-learning, because of the need for hands-on...

Multi-tasking vs focusing: which is best?

And the answer is: it all depends! As usual with human behaviour, it depends on the context. Ophir, E., Nass, C., and Wagner, A. (2009)...

Research on the the impact of an LMS on students' learning

Lopes, V. (2008) Course Management Systems and Campus-Based Learning North York ON: Seneca College One of the rare research reports that looks at the use...

The impact of information and communications technologies on the university

For francophones, a book by Julie Boissonneault, a professor at Laurentian University, Sudbury, Canada Boissonneault, J. (2009) Enjeux de la Médiatisation à l'Université Sudbury ON:...