Sunday, February 23, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Is prior learning assessment better than GPAs for admission to post-secondary education?

Klein-Collins, R. (2010) Fueling the Race to Post-Secondary Success Chicago IL: The Council for Adult and Experiential Learning One of the features of old age...

Journal of Educational Technology and Society: Vol. 12, No.4

The latest issue of "Journal of Educational Technology & Society" is now available on the ETS Journal Web Site. This issue contains 12 selected papers...

New edition of the Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education

The TOJDE is always an interesting compilation of papers by researchers mainly from outside the Western Anglo-Saxon culture. Volume: 11 Number: 1 can be...

Multi-tasking vs focusing: which is best?

And the answer is: it all depends! As usual with human behaviour, it depends on the context. Ophir, E., Nass, C., and Wagner, A. (2009)...

Graveyard welding classes

Moltz, D. (2009) In the midnight hour Inside Higher Education, December 9 This article describes midnight courses for welders at an Oregon community college. Although...

The Millennial Muddle

Hoover, E. (2009) The Millennial Muddle Chronicle of Higher Education, October 11 This very LONG article looks ostensibly at the business that discussing millennials has...

Lifelong learning in Canada

Statistics Canada (2009) Lifelong Learning Among Canadians Aged 18 to 64 Years: First Results from the 2008 Access and Support to Education and Training...

The learners' experience of e-learning

From 'Key messages' in the JISC Responding to Learners Pack JISC (2009) Responding to Learners Pack Bristol, UK: Joint Information Systems Committee. From the JISC site: JISC...

Social networking in two year colleges in the USA

Marklein, M. B. (2009) Social networks could help community college students USA Today, November 16 This is a news report on a study just released...

So: is e-learning really failing in higher education? An answer

Background This is the last in a series of ten blogs on the topic: 'Is e-learning failing in higher education?' My blogs on this topic...