Saturday, March 29, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Let students see their course data: a learning analytics project from the University of...

Love, J., DeMonner, S., and Teasley, S. (2021) Show Students Their Data: Using Dashboards to Support Self-Regulated Learning Educause Review, July 20 Learning analytics (LA)...

Special Issue of Online Learning Journal on the COVID-19 Emergency Transition to Remote Learning:...

The Online Learning journal Still catching up on important publications. This one came out in March 2021. The Online Learning Consortium has been publishing a...

Study of British students’ digital experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic

JISC (2021) Student digital experience insights survey 2020/21: Findings from UK higher education and further education (pulse 1: October-December 2020), 8 March 2021 This is...

Resources to support special education students studying online

Continuing my theme of inequity arising from the switch from in-person to emergency remote learning, one group of children/students particularly affected are those with...

Tilting at windmills: two research studies on students’ views on Canadian universities’ responses to...

OCUFA (2020) OCUFA 2020 Study: COVID-19 and the Impact on University Life and Education Toronto ON, November HESA/The Strategic Counsel (2021) The Future of Learning:...

Students’ responses to remote learning in the fall: Top Hat survey

Top Hat (2020) Higher Ed Students Grade the Fall 2020 Semester, Top Hat (accessed November 19, no published date) Top Hat is an online publisher...

Defining blended learning: Farmer’s theory-based models

Farmer, H. (2020) 6 Models for Blended Synchronous and Asynchronous Online Course Delivery, EDUCAUSE Review, 18 August Multiple models I have argued elsewhere that blended learning...

Research reports on Covid-19 and emergency remote learning/online learning

Post last up-dated: 9 June, 2021 Since March 2020, there has been a flurry of research on emergency remote learning. Most published research up to...

Advice for students about online learning for the fall semester

The challenge I have a grandson in England who was hoping to go to university this fall. His parents are trying very hard to help...

12 shortish videos on Teaching in a Digital Age

The videos At the request of the Commonwealth of Learning, I have, with their help, developed 12 short videos introducing the main themes of my...