Friday, March 28, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord
Home learners digital natives

digital natives

French translation of the third edition of Teaching in a Digital Age now available

I hope you are having a wonderful summer break. If so all the more reason to read 'Teaching in a Digital Age'. This is now...

Spanish version of ‘Teaching in a Digital Age: Third Edition’ now available/Ya está disponible...

Click en la imagen para acceder al libro/Click on image to access book/ Español Me complace anunciar que la versión en español de la tercera edición...

Who wants to update the French version of ‘Teaching in a Digital Age’?/Qui veut...

  Français Je suis très reconnaissant à Contact Nord d'avoir trouvé des fonds pour la traduction française de la première édition de Teaching in a Digital...

Third edition of Teaching at a Distance is now published

The third edition of Teaching in a Digital Age is now available from here: I have exported in several formats and made it public....

Second edition of Teaching in a Digital Age now published

The second edition of Teaching in a Digital Age is now available at The first edition was published in 2015. The second edition is...

A full day of experiential learning in action

On Wednesday, February 17, the Chang School of Continuing Studies, Ryerson University, Toronto, put on an impressive one day conference, called ChangSchoolTalks, focused on...

Reading between the lines: the ‘intangibles’ in quality online teaching and learning

Contact North has organised a series of four webinars highlighting the practical advice and guidelines offered in my online, open textbook, Teaching in a Digital Age....

Book review: Teaching and Learning in Digital Worlds

Gisbert, T. and Bullen, M. (2015) Teaching and Learning in Digital Worlds: Strategies and Issues in Higher Education Tarragona Spain: Publicacions Universitat Rovira i...

Review of ‘Online Distance Education: Towards a Research Agenda.’

Zawacki-Richter, O. and Anderson, T. (eds.) (2014) Online Distance Education: Towards a Research Agenda Athabasca AB: AU Press, pp. 508 It is somewhat daunting to review...

Key characteristics of learners in a digital age and their influence on the design...

In my previous post, I outlined some key components of learning environments, which will form part of Chapter 5 of my open textbook, 'Teaching...