Rethinking the purpose of online learning: 3. Supporting disadvantaged learners
This is the third post in a series on rethinking the purpose of online learning. In the first post, I discussed Ontario's strategy of...
Is the current use of video a step backwards in online learning?
The use of video
There is evidence from the two national surveys of online learning in Canadian post-secondary education that video is increasingly being used...
Why is innovation in teaching in higher education so difficult? 3. Learning management systems
Reasons for using a Learning Management System
I pointed out in my previous post that the LMS is a legacy system that can inhibit innovation...
Is Blackboard dying? The latest instalment in LMS wars.
Feldstein, M. (2018) Canvas Surpasses Blackboard Learn in US Market Share, eLiterate, July 8
Kroner, G. (2018) Sensationalizing LMS Market Share in an Era of Fake News,...
Active learning at the Royal Military College of Canada
Following my trip to the UK Open University, I visited the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ontario, where I was a keynote speaker...
More advice to students thinking of studying online
One of my most popular blog posts is A student guide to studying online. However, it was written five years ago, so I have...
French version of ‘Teaching in a Digital Age’ now available
The French version of 'Teaching in a Digital Age', L'enseignement a l'ère numerique', is now available from here.
I am very grateful to Contact North|Contact Nord...
Building an effective learning environment
I was asked by the Chang School of Continuing Studies at Ryerson University to do a master class on this topic at their ChangSchoolTalks...
Using 2D virtual reality for online role playing
Koechli, L. and Glynn, M. (2014) Diving into Lake Devo: Modes of Representation and Means of Interaction and Reflection in Online Role-Play IRRODL, Vol. 15,...
Another perspective on the personalisation of learning online
I gave a keynote presentation last week at a large educational conference in the Netherlands, ‘Dé Onderwijsdagen’ (Education Days). I was asked to talk about the...