Special edition on research on MOOCs in the journal ‘Distance Education’
The August 2014 edition of the Australian-based journal, Distance Education (Vol.35, No. 2.), is devoted to new research on MOOCs. There is a guest editor,...
The nurturing and social reform models of teaching and their relevance to connectivist online...
A counsellor and student at Empire State College, New York, which has a mentoring approach to adult education
These are the last of the teaching models discussed...
Dialogue and discussion: critical for 21st century skills development
First of all, thanks to the numerous people who commented on my earlier posts on Why Lectures are Dead, and on Learning Theories and...
A balanced research report on the hopes and realities of MOOCs
Hollands, F. and Tirthali, D. (2014) MOOCs: Expectations and Reality New York: Columbia University Teachers' College, Center for Benefit-Cost Studies of Education, 211 pp
Blogs and wikis in formal higher education: examples of open education
Raths, D. (2014) An e-portfolio with no limits Campus Technology, March 2
This is an article on a project by the University of Mary Washington,...
Research from the Michigan Virtual University on a connectivist MOOC
Ferdig, R. et al. (2014) Findings and reflections from the 'K-12 Teaching in the 21st Century' MOOC Lansing MI: Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute
2020 Vision: Outlook for online learning in 2014 and way beyond
Taking the long view
Doug Saunders in the Globe and Mail on January 4 wrote an interesting piece on prediction, entitled: "Gadgets alone don't make...
Productivity and online learning: an summary of the main concepts
This is the first of two final posts in the series on whether online learning can increase educational ‘productivity.’ In this post I discuss...
Innovation, quality and digital resources: the LINQ 2013 conference
No - it's not Anita Ekberg in front of the Trevi fountain - it's Rory McGreal!
The LINQ 2013 conference, held in May in Rome,...
Outlook for online learning in 2013: online learning comes of age
FunTab Class 9.1 Android ICS Tablet: will 2013 be the year of the tablet?
In a previous post, I talked about the difficulties in making...