Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

What’s right and what’s wrong about Coursera-style MOOCs

  TED Talks: Daphne Koller: What we're learning from online education Daphne Koller, one of the two founders of Coursera, describes some of the key features...

Nine steps to quality online learning: Step 7: Design course structure and learning activities

In this post the importance of providing students with a structure for learning online and setting appropriate learning activities is discussed. Indeed, I will...

Nine steps to quality online learning: Step 5: Master the technology

In this post I argue that taking the time to be properly trained in how to use standard learning technologies will in the long...

Online Learning and Personal Change: the Movie

Vancouver Community College organized a stimulating faculty development workshop in April called 'Technology Trends and the Courage to Adapt', about the challenge technology presents...

E-portfolios, Sakai, and ‘new paradigms’

Batson, T. (2012) The Wait is Over: The LMS and the ePortfolio Merge to Serve a Culture of Learning Campus Technology, May 16 In this article,...

Video of presentation on ‘Designing online learning for the 21st century’

Université Laval has now made available the full video version on my presentation on this topic. It can viewed here: Apprentissage et enseignement à l'ère...

Concevoir l’enseignment en ligne pour répondre aux besoins des apprenants du 21e siècle

Il est l'heure quand beaucoup des universités et des collèges Canadiennes offrent la formation aux professeurs. Ainsi j'avais été bien occupé pendant les dernières...

Designing online learning for the 21st century

This being the time of year when many Canadian post-secondary institutions offer faculty development opportunities, I have been busy the last two or three...

Why learning management systems are not going away

Contact North has just published online a series of six short papers (10-12 pages) under the title of Learning Management Systems: Disruptive Developments, Alternative Options...

5 video case studies of e-portfolio implementation + an implementation toolkit

  JISC has created a site with videos from five UK universities and colleges that document their experience in implementing e-portfolios across a relatively wide...