Online CIDER seminar on e-portfolios
Title: Implementing Digital Story Telling in a Computers in Education Course
Athabasca University's CIDER would like to invite you to the next presentation in their...
Effective Practice in a Digital Age
JISC (2009) Effective Practice in a Digital Age Bristol UK: JISC
From JISC's publication web site:
Effective Practice in a Digital Age combines the outcomes of...
School of the Future: Lessons in failure
Stansbury, M. (2009) School of the Future: Lessons in failure eSchool News, June 1
This is one of a very few articles that deal with...
e-Portfolios for nursing education
Teja, F. (2009) PEP’ing Up Your ePortfolio at the UBC School of Nursing UBC e-Strategy Newsletter, May 2009
An article describing the development at the...
Who’s hi-jacking our e-Portfolios?
Tolley, R. (2008) Who's hi-jacking our e-Portfolios?
Ray Tolley is a consultant in England who has been providing staff support in ICT for some 25...
Meaning and metrics: assessment in the humanities
Scobey, D. (2009) Meaning and Metrics Inside Higher Education, March 19
A very thoughtful argument about assessment in the humanities and the important role e-portfolios...
Evaluation of E-Portfolio Software
Himpsl, K. and Baumgartner, P. (2009) Evaluation of E-Portfolio Software International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 16-22
E-Portfolios are...
Learning and Teaching With E-Portfolios: Experiences in and Challenges for Adult Education
Bisovsky, G. and Schaffert, S. (2009) Learning and Teaching With E-Portfolios: Experiences in and Challenges for Adult Education International Journal of Emerging Technologies in...
Development of a Train-the-Trainer Course for E-Portfolio
Hilzensauer, W. and Buchberger, G. (2009) MOSEP – More Self-Esteem With My E-Portfolio: Development of a Train-the-Trainer Course for E-Portfolio Tutors International Journal of...
Making Common Cause: Electronic Portfolios, Learning, and the Power of Community
Cambridge, D., Cambridge, B. and Yancey, K. (2009) Electronic Portfolios 2.0 Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing
From the publisher's blurb:
The contributors to this book..have undertaken research...