Why learning management systems are not going away
Contact North has just published online a series of six short papers (10-12 pages) under the title of Learning Management Systems: Disruptive Developments, Alternative Options...
JET&S: Special journal issue on technology supported cognition and exploratory learning
The Journal of Educational Technology and Society, Vol. 15, No.1, has a special edition on technology supported cognition and exploratory learning.
From the editorial:
CVU’s report on the state of online university education in Canada: first heal thyself
Canadian Virtual University (2012) Online University Education in Canada: Challenges and Opportunities Athabasca University AB: Canadian Virtual University.
The report was commissioned by the Canadian Federal...
Book review: Learning Theory and Online Technologies
Harasim, L. (2012) Learning Theory and Online Technologies New York/London: Routledge
Linda Harasim is one of the pioneers of online learning and this book brings...
From dream to reality: why implementation is as important as goal setting in e-learning
Two recent developments have brought home clearly the need to consider and discuss implementation strategies at the same time as setting educational goals. The...
Book review: Clark Quinn’s ‘The Mobile Academy’
Quinn, C. (2012) The Mobile Academy: mLearning for Higher Education San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/John Wiley, 120 pp
The author points out that 90% of the world's...
European report on the future of learning
Redecker, C. et al. (2011) The Future of Learning: Preparing for Change Seville Spain: Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, JRC, European Commission
What the report...
What the security services know about e-learning
One of the great things about e-learning is that it pops up in the most unexpected of places. This month's New security learning, Issue, No....
Book: Managing Technology in Higher Education now available
Bates, A. and Sangrà, A. (2011) Managing Technology in Higher Education: Strategies for Transforming Teaching and Learning San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/John Wiley & Co.
Now out!...
The ‘myth’ of e-learning
Batson, T. (2011) The Myth of eLearning: There Is No 'There' There Campus Technology, January 19
This stimulating blog about e-learning challenges the idea that...