CJLT special issue on knowledge building
The latest issue of the Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology focuses on knowledge building, a critical component of online discussions.
From the editorial by...
What is more important than grades?
In an earlier posting on the OECD's PISA tests, there was some discussion about what was NOT measured in standardized tests of reading, science...
‘The notion of class time as separate from non-class time will vanish’
This is one of 20 predictions from the editors of the Futurist magazine.
'Each year since 1985, the editors of THE FUTURIST have selected the...
Book: Online learning and assessment in higher education
Benson, R. and Brack, C. (2010) Online Learning and Assessment in Higher Education Cawston UK: Woodhead Publishing
This book can be ordered by fax or...
Innovative thinking about learning from the corporate sector
Paine, N. and Masie, E. (2010) Learning Perspectives 2010 Saratoga Springs NY: The Masie Center and the Learning Consortium
This is a collection of contributions...
Hope and despair: managing technological change
In a very funny low budget British movie called 'Clockwise', John Cleese plays a school principal with an obsession about punctuality who is asked...
The pros and cons of self-paced online learning
Parry, M. (2010) Will technology kill the academic calendar? Chronicle of Higher Education, October 10
This article is about a mid-west college in the US...
Reducing drop-out in online courses
Fusch, D. (2010) Improving graduation rates for online students Academic Impressions, April 8
An interview with K. Udas, the CEO of UMassOnline, who provides some...
Book review: Taking Stock: Research on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Christensen Hughes, J. and Mighty, J. (eds.) (2010) Taking Stock: Research on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Montreal QC and Kingston ON: McGill-Queen's...
NMC Horizon Report on new learning technologies for Latin America
The 2010 Horizon Report: Edición Iberoamericana, a Spanish language edition, is the result of a collaboration between the NMC and the Open University of...