A review of the HEQCO report on productivity and quality in online learning in...
The view from HEQCO, TorontoCarey, T., & Trick, D. (2013). How Online Learning Affects Productivity, Cost and Quality in Higher Education: An Environmental Scan...
Conference on science education at Western University
I was at the Western Conference on Science Education on July 10-11. I gave a a public lecture on designing teaching for 21st century...
MOOCs, MIT and Magic
MOOC panel: Dan Hastings, Anant Agarwal, Tony Bates, Sanjay Sarma, John Daniel
In my previous post, there were two sessions at the LINC 2013 conference...
MIT, learning technologies, and developing countries: lessons in technology transfer
This week I spent three days at the MIT LINC (Learning International Networks Consortium) conference in Boston/Cambridge, Massachusetts, with the theme: 'Realizing the Dream:...
The beginning of the end of the lecture hall?
The conference in Orlando
University Business is a magazine that focuses on equipment and facilities, including IT and AV systems. UB thus has its pulse...
CNIE conference on Leadership and Innovation in Learning
I was in Ottawa in early May also to give a keynote at the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education conference. I am ashamed...
Discussing design models for hybrid/blended learning and the impact on the campus
A couple of weeks ago I had an interesting meeting with about 25 instructional designers from UBC, where we discussed design models for hybrid...
Queen’s University’s report on online learning
Senate Academic Planning Task Force (2013) Draft Report March 2013 Kingston ON: Queens University
Queen's University in Ontario, Canada, was one of the first universities...
No. 8 aha moment: web 2.0 will change everything in online learning
This is the ninth (and last) in a series of posts about the most seminal ‘discoveries’ in my researching and working in educational technology,...
No. 6 aha moment: the convergence of online learning (from the periphery to the...
This is the seventh in a series of posts about the most seminal ‘discoveries’ in my researching and working in educational technology, where I...