Monday, March 31, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Book review: Changing Cultures in Higher Education

Ehlers, U-D. and Schneckenberg, D. (eds. ) Changing Cultures in Higher Education: Moving Ahead to Future Learning Heidelberg/London/New York: Springer, 610 pp, US$129.00 What the...

More on whether technology is changing the way we think

Lamb, G. (2010) Are iPads, smartphones, and the Mobile Web rewiring the way we think? Christian Science Monitor, July 24 In this article, a number...

Dispelling myths

I came across some blogs about 'myths', so I thought I'd put them together. Myth No. 1: 'A university education is becoming so costly -...

Innovate or die: a message for higher education institutions

It's funny how reports on the same issue arrive from completely different directions. These four all deal with the issue of innovation and higher...

The link between e-learning and economic development: the case of New Brunswick

This has been a busy week for me, which accounts for the low number of postings. Earlier in the week, I was conducting a...

Preliminary book review: An Introduction to Distance Education

Cleveland-Innes, M. and Garrison, R. (eds.) 2010 An Introduction to Distance Education: Understanding Teaching and Learning in a New Era New York/Abingdon UK: Routledge This...

What do instructors need to know about teaching with technology?

I believe that we will see no real innovation, no fundamental change, in post-secondary education, at least from within, unless all instructors have basic...

Special IRRODL edition on connectivism: articles wanted

IRRODL (the International Review of Research on Open and Distance Learning) is now requesting contributions for peer review and possible publication in an upcoming...

Can you move classroom courses online quickly and cheaply?

In a previous post, Will lecture capture replace asynchronous distance learning, I wrote: I come from a background where distance education courses are specifically...

An African perspective on the Tapscott and Williams article on University Reform

My review of the Tapscott and Williams article prompted this response from Ms Mandi Maodzwa-Taruvinga who is teaching in the School of Education, the...