Saturday, February 22, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

What the security services know about e-learning

One of the great things about e-learning is that it pops up in the most unexpected of places. This month's New security learning, Issue, No....

Instructional design: the times they are a’changing

  Last week I attended a very interesting workshop, called Just ID,  at the University of British Columbia. The workshop was organized with the support of...

Book: Managing Technology in Higher Education now available

Bates, A. and Sangrà, A. (2011) Managing Technology in Higher Education: Strategies for Transforming Teaching and Learning San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/John Wiley & Co. Now out!...

IRRODL on Connectivism

IRRODL (the International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning) has just published a very special issue focused on connectivism. Connectivism claims to be...

Developing engaging online assessment strategies

Boettcher, J. (2011) Evidence of Learning Online: Assessment Beyond The Paper, Campus Technology, February 23 Online learning offers the opportunity for innovative, more authentic forms...

Journal of Distance Education, Vol. 25, No. 1 (2011)

The latest edition of the (Canadian) Journal of Distance Education is now out. This is a somewhat slim edition, with just six articles, one of...

CJLT special issue on knowledge building

The latest issue of the Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology focuses on knowledge building, a critical component of online discussions. From the editorial by...

Book: Online learning and assessment in higher education

Benson, R. and Brack, C. (2010) Online Learning and Assessment in Higher Education Cawston UK: Woodhead Publishing This book can be ordered by fax or...

The pros and cons of self-paced online learning

Parry, M. (2010) Will technology kill the academic calendar? Chronicle of Higher Education, October 10 This article is about a mid-west college in the US...

Book review: Taking Stock: Research on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

Christensen Hughes, J. and Mighty, J. (eds.) (2010) Taking Stock: Research on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Montreal QC and Kingston ON: McGill-Queen's...