Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

An archive of alI I know about online learning

At the recent COHERE conference I delivered two keynotes: Meeting the challenge of technology: are we failing as managers? Designing university teaching to meet the needs...

Designing online learning in a volatile world

Adamson, C. (2012) Learning in a VUCA world, Online Educa Berlin News Portal, November 13 VUCA is a new term to me, although what it...

My summer paranoia: computers will replace teachers in higher education

I had a strange dream last night. I was in discussion with an editor from a publishing company about the draft of a new...

What’s right and what’s wrong about Coursera-style MOOCs

  TED Talks: Daphne Koller: What we're learning from online education Daphne Koller, one of the two founders of Coursera, describes some of the key features...

Nine steps to quality online learning: Step 7: Design course structure and learning activities

In this post the importance of providing students with a structure for learning online and setting appropriate learning activities is discussed. Indeed, I will...

CVU’s report on the state of online university education in Canada: first heal thyself

Canadian Virtual University (2012) Online University Education in Canada: Challenges and Opportunities Athabasca University AB: Canadian Virtual University. The report was commissioned by the Canadian Federal...

Book review: Learning Theory and Online Technologies

Harasim, L. (2012) Learning Theory and Online Technologies New York/London: Routledge Linda Harasim is one of the pioneers of online learning and this book brings...

EURODL journal: special issue on creativity and OERS

The European Journal of Open and Distance Learning has a special edition on creativity and open educational resources In their thoughtful editorial/introductory chapter, the editors,...